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Zhang Huixue, CECEP SOLAR's Secretary of the Party Committee, President and General Manager, Attends the 16th Global Green Energy Leaders Dialogue

來源:中高效日能科學技術(深圳)受限總部 時間:2023-05-23 【字號:

On May 23, the SNEC 16th (2023) International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy (Shanghai) Conference & Exhibition, the world's largest photovoltaic industry event, was officially opened. As one of the important activities of the grand conference, the Global Green Energy Leaders Dialogue was solemnly held in the afternoon of the same day. Zhang Huixue, CECEP SOLAR's Secretary of the Party Committee, President and General Manager, attended the dialogue.

As highlighted in the "Global Development Initiative" proposed by the General Secretary Xi Jinping in 2022 High-level Dialogue on Global Development, we should accelerate green and low-carbon transformation and adapt to climate change to meet people's demands for a beautiful ecological environment and achieve better-quality and more sustainable development. To honor China's solemn commitment to "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality", the concept of green and low-carbon energy should not only be delivered in China, but is also of great significance for improving people's livelihood and quality of life in developing countries. In such a context, a number of domestic and foreign institutions, such as Global Green Energy Industry Council (GGEIC),  Global Solar Council (GSC), Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA), Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA), and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), jointly held the "Global Green Energy Leaders Dialogue" in a bid to promote the green and low-carbon energy concept across the world.

Zhang Huixue and many industry leaders gathered together and jointly discussed the future development pattern of green energy around the world and the industrial opportunities as well as the opportunities and challenges facing the photovoltaic industry.

When talking about the role of the photovoltaic industry in energy transformation, Zhang Huixue stressed that although the photovoltaic industry encounters difficulties on its way forward, its development goes far beyond our expectation, achieving grid parity at an earlier date. With the concerted efforts of all PV practitioners, PV power becomes the main power source earlier than expected. In the next decade, the photovoltaic industry will develop at a faster speed and have a brighter prospect. Looking into the future, Zhang Huixue said that if silicon-based life is the future of carbon-based life, solar power will hold the key of the future energy.

At the end of the Leaders' Dialogue, Zhang Huixue further elaborated the future strategic planning and layout of CECEP SOLAR in the exclusive interview by China Energy News on the theme of "Future Development and Changes of Distributed Photovoltaic Market under the New Situation". Zhang Huixue pointed out that, targeting at carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, China's energy revolution is pushed forward at a fast speed. Driven by both policies and the market, not only centralized PV is developing rapidly, distributed PV is also coming up from behind with a broad prospect as its newly installed capacity has surpassed the centralized PV. Pursue continuous development and attain a higher goal. As a central enterprise-owned subsidiary, CECEP SOLAR considers the development of distributed PV more comprehensively and cares more about the long-term revenue. At the same time, we will actively explore new PV models and scenarios, such as shared energy storage, integration of energy storage and solar PV, and offshore PV, to promote the gradient utilization of energy. Zhang Huixue highlighted that the development of green and low-carbon energy is one of the key measures for realizing the energy structure transformation in China, which can not only reduce China's dependence on traditional fossil fuels, improve energy safety and supply quality, promote economic sustainability, but is also of great significance for mitigating global climate change and protecting the ecological environment on earth. As a high-tech and high value-added industry, photovoltaic industry is an important contributor to the promotion of energy structure transformation, and its development will lay a solid foundation for realizing the development of green and low-carbon energy.
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