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Go Overseas and Live up to the Mission-Zhenjiang Company Held Its First Overseas Mission Ceremony

來源:中能源管理早上的光伏科技較少公司(鎮江市)較少公司 時間:2022-09-13 【字號:
In order to continuously consolidate the achievements of the Group Company's "Year of Market Expansion", we helped the solar energy company to realize the goal of "three new, two guarantees and one promotion" and strengthen the overseas market expansion. On August 3, Zhenjiang Company organized the first overseas mission ceremony and cheered the overseas sales team for the mission.

At the ceremony, Fang Yi, the Sales Director of Zhenjiang Company, introduced the overseas market situation and market development status of Zhenjiang Company, asked the overseas team of the Sales Department to seize the development opportunity of the European market and develop the European market in depth, and put forward the specific objectives of this overseas expansion work. He asked all sales staff concerned to raise their awareness, continuously explore the European customers market, expand the company's sales share in the European market, and finally realize the trend set by Zhenjiang Company that the domestic market and overseas market can go hand in hand to make more achievements. Zhang Hao, Deputy General Manager of Zhenjiang Company, focusing on the strategic significance of developing overseas markets, pointed out that the development of the European market is an important part of the 14th Five-Year Plan of Zhenjiang Company, and also an important measure for the company to enhance its international brand image and influence. And, for the overseas team of Zhenjiang Company's Sales Department, Zhang put forward three stages of goals: long, medium and short, and requested the overseas team to be goal-oriented, emphasizing not just process, but performance and results; be determined, be prepared to bear hardships, and make no excuses or retreat in any way; seize the opportunity, do a good job in pre-market analysis, find the right direction, formulate related strategies, further improve the ability of market judgment and business decision-making, constantly improve product differentiation, diversity and competitiveness, promote the company's internal management level, seek sales scale growth and find out new profit growth points, and contribute to the high-quality development of the Company. Yong Zili, on behalf of the European market development task team, defined the content of the development task and expressed the confidence and determination of the task team in the European market development work. They would brave the wind, take responsibility, utilize their professional knowledge, focus on the European market development work, and live up to their mission! At the meeting, all departments of Zhenjiang Company sent blessings to the task team and had high expectations for it. At the same time, they indicated that they would provide strong institutional support for the European market expansion team. On behalf of the support team, Yang Juan, from the Sales Department, said that the Sales Department had set up an overseas development team, and the team members would keep in touch with business travelers every day, follow up their trips, learn about the development progress of overseas markets, explain the required support and suggestions for improvement, and ensure the seamless connection between the support team and business travelers.

Huang Guoping, General Manager of Zhenjiang Company, on behalf of the Company, gave the team flags of "Party Commando" and "Youth Commando" to the task team personnel, and distributed pandemic prevention packages among the team members, encouraging them to actively play the exemplary leading role of Party members and youth representatives, and to efficiently promote the smooth development of their work.

At the end of the ceremony, Li Jingnan, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Chairman of Zhenjiang Company, emphasized that the European market expansion is the paramount task of all employees of Zhenjiang Company, and it is the concrete embodiment of each employee's position and practice of loving the party, the country and the enterprise. All departments of the company should cooperate with each other, strive to forge ahead, ride over the tides, improve the ability to solve problems independently, be brave and persistent, take responsibility for their own decisions, and not let the experience of others be the only basis for us to make decisions and use those experience as the best excuse for us to give up thinking. We should turn this experience into our practical steps to seek improvement, and start a new journey of European market exploration with the spirit of "courage", "responsibility" and "innovation", so as to contribute to the company's performance improvement and high-quality development. Author: CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd.
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