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CECEP Solar Energy Co., Ltd. has stepped into the BIPV market with full coverage of roofs and curtain walls

來源:中高效太陽隊能科技創新(揚州)限制科技有限公司 時間:2022-09-13 【字號:
The concept of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality has been deeply embedded in the hearts of people since the issuance of the Opinions of Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Fully, Accurately and Comprehensively Implementing the New Development Concept and Carrying out Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutralization (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinions”). According to the data published by National Energy Administration, the distributed PV has experienced a booming development, accounting for over 50% of the annual new installed capacity for the first in the past year. However, as predicted by the relevant institutions, new installed capacity of distributed PV under the double drive of policy and market is expected to exceed 40GW in 2022 and maintain its position to occupy half of the national PV market. It is noteworthy that the Opinions mentioned: Keep improving the energy efficiency standards of new buildings, and speed up the scale development of ultra-low energy consumption, near-zero energy consumption and low-carbon buildings. Vigorously promote the energy-saving transformation of existing buildings and municipal infrastructures in cities, and improve the energy-saving and low-carbon level of buildings. Deepen the application of renewable energy-driven buildings and accelerate the electrified and low-carbon transformation of building energy. Launch photovoltaic renovation on building roofs, and strive to popularize electrified facilities, such as heating, domestic hot water, and cooking for buildings. The leading enterprises in the industry took active actions to respond and support the above Opinions. “Taking the customer demand as the starting point, we provide PV products compatible with different specifications and technologies, and complete the one-stop overall turnkey solution of project evaluation, design, construction, delivery and operation and maintenance. This solution will separate customers from the tedious engineering process, thus enjoying the benefits of power generation easily.” The BIPV products of CECEP Solar Energy Co., Ltd. include PV roofs and PV curtains according to the introduction. With regards to PV roofs, they stick to the four cores of “safety, weather resistance, durability and customization”. The products occupy the leading role in the industry for their excellent wind resistance and deformation resistance and pass the FM, UL and other professional certifications. In addition, the PV roof of CECEP Solar Energy Co., Ltd. is provided with double lock seam design and can effectively adapt to thermal expansion and cold contraction with its vertical crimping steel roof. It satisfies the requirements for various areas and projects and has a material warranty up to 30 years. “Considering the energy conservation demand of owners, we can make reasonable lighting arranger to further minimize the energy consumption of buildings”

BIPV roof of M3 workshop of the CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd. 

  It is worthy to be praised that CECEP Solar Energy Co., Ltd. optimizes its products from the perspective of power generation efficiency, reliability and convenience instead of directly applying the traditional PV module to the PV roof to achieve self-cleaning and lightness of module and reduce the post operation and maintenance cost. It is known that the PV roof system of CECEP Solar Energy Co., Ltd. is equipped with high-efficiency half module technology to reduce the risk of hot spots and subfissure and has a weight of 13.5% lower than the traditional modules, so as to enable more roofs to meet load requirements, promote installation efficiency and minimize BOS cost. In terms of PV curtains, the products of CECEP Solar Energy Co., Ltd. have various advantages of safety, explosion-proof, long service life, large power generation capacity, high aesthetics, environmental protection, excellent combination of building and customization. Relevant responsible person said that the PVB color double-glass module of CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd. has obtained the National Science and Technology Progress Award. They combined the building with PV standards based on this to launch the PV curtain product of CECEP Solar Energy Co., Ltd. “We have glass supporting color customization, including black, light gray, tawny, milky white, green, cyan, bright red, orange, marine blue, etc., and the transmittance of modules can also be customized to meet the office requirements of different BIPV scenarios.” 

BIPV curtain of M3 workshop of CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd.

As analyzed by industry experts, the construction industry is one of the main sources of carbon emissions in China. The data suggests that the carbon emissions from the whole life cycle of buildings have accounted for more than 1/3 of total carbon emissions in China and solving carbon emissions of buildings will be an important means to realize carbon neutrality and play an essential role in national environmental protection and energy conservation. “What is worthy to be mentioned particularly is the form integrating PV and building. It allows people to examine PV with the standard of building materials and enables a brighter application prospect for PV. More attention and promotion should be attached to it by more people. 
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