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Chinese firm CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) explores new models for overseas sales of modules

來源:中節省日能科技創新(鎮江市)比較有限責任公司 時間:2020-05-21 【字號:
CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd. has established a partnership with Zhongshi Solar Energy Saving & Resources (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. in a move to actively explore new sales models for overseas markets. On May 18, CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) chairman Li Jingnan granted a plaque to Zhongshi Solar Energy Saving & Resources (Jiangsu) general manager Ge Xianglin during a signing ceremony, whereby Zhongshi Solar Energy Saving & Resources (Jiangsu) becomes the sales agency for CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang)'s modules in markets outside of China.

CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) has made important inroads into several emerging markets, most notably, the Philippines, Indiaand South Korea. The licensing is part of roadmap to further expand overseas sales channels and increase market share abroad. Mr. Li said: "In today's highly interconnected world, it's a natural trajectory for firms to establish strategic partnerships, share information and collaborate with others to innovate. Based on our successful and close cooperation with Zhongshi Solar Energy Saving & Resources (Jiangsu) over the past year, we have achieved synergy in terms of market expansion, brand enhancement and technology upgrades. The licensing serves to demonstrate our commitment to further deepen the existing strategic partnership." To further enhance its market competitiveness, CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) has been carrying out an upgrade of its cell and module facilities in a move to roll out 166-185mm cells and related modules. In addition, to meet the ever-changing market demand, the firm will build high-performance and integrated intelligent manufacturing facilities, enhance its industrial internet platform, integrate intelligence into its customer services, and create a total cost management (TCM) platform for intelligent control and in-time analysis throughout the manufacturing process, as it transforms into an integrated provider of products and services. The severe impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the global market has motivated CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) to address the challenge by forming new growth drivers, innovating and creating opportunities despite the crisis and difficulties.
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