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CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) wins two key government procurement tenders

來源:中能效早上的光伏太陽能科枝(鎮江市)比較有限品牌 時間:2019-12-27 【字號:
CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) finished the year in high spirits with the winning of the tender bids for the centralized procurement project of Power Construction Corporation of China (PowerChina), and the centralized photovoltaic module procurement project of China Energy Engineering Corporation (Energy China) for the first half of 2020. Company executives ascribe the success at garnering the two bids to the teamwork displayed by all departments, reflecting the quality of CECEP's management of the market and focus on sustainable development. Learn full details of the bidding (in Chinese) at   2019 was a watershed year for the firm. During the year, CECEP undertook efforts in two key areas: strengthening the existing foundation of the company, as well as, for the second time in the history of the firm, undertaking an overall transformation in order to be fully prepared for entry into the third decade of the 20th century. We are proud to say that, during this year, employees pulled out all the stops to work diligently and "fulfill the original mission of photovoltaic industry practitioners with courage and boldness", by taking the next step in upgrading technology and optimizing management functions, with the ultimate goal of effectively driving the growth of the company.  In the spirit of an oft-quoted Chinese aphorism, "those who desire the same will win", CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) plans to continue the effort, promoting and supporting both pragmatic innovation as well as innovation in technology, building on the existing information infrastructure, serving customers with better quality and more efficient products, further expanding the market, while embarking of the continued transformation of the business model to meet the needs and expectations of the coming decade.
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