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CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. Is Recognized as “Enterprise of Grade-AA Quality Credit of Jiangsu Province”

來源:中節能機構太陽什么能新材料技術(常州)局限機構 時間:2019-04-03 【字號:

Recently, Jiangsu Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision and the Office of the Leading Group for the Construction of Social Credit System of Jiangsu Province jointly issued the list of enterprises of Grade-AAA and Grade-AA Quality Credit of Jiangsu Province in 2018. CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhenjiang Company) is rated as an “Enterprise of Grade-AA Quality Credit of Jiangsu Province”.

According to the spirits of the Opinions of the General Office of the State Council Concerning the Building of a Social Credit System (GBF No. 17 [2007]) and Opinions of Jiangsu Provincial Peoples Government on Accelerating the Quality-based Development of Jiangsu Province (SF No. 91 [2012]), Zhenjiang Company launched the application for the recognition of "Enterprises of Grade-AA Quality Credit of Jiangsu Province" in July 2018 based on the Credit Rating in the Industrial Enterprise Quality (DB32/T 1926-2011), in order to further enhance its brand influence and market competitiveness.

After voluntary application, material review, on-site examination and opinion solicitation from pertinent departments, Zhenjiang Company was finally recognized as an “Enterprise of Grade-AA Quality Credit of Jiangsu Province”. This recognition is a full affirmation to Zhenjiang Company's achievements in the improvement of product quality, the building of a quality brand and the implementation of the Performance Excellence Model. Moreover, it has contributed to the increase of the company's brand influence, the improvement of its market development ability and the healthy and sustainable development of the company.

Quality is the basis for subsistence of enterprises and innovation is the road for further development. According to reports of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's economic development has shifted from the stage of rapid growth to the stage of high-quality development. As a central enterprise, Zhenjiang Company has firmly followed the leadership of the CPC and adhered to the philosophy of “product first”. It has integrated the requirements of strengthening Party self-discipline in an all-round way with the concept of pursuing quality-based development of the company to further enhance the impetus for the development of the company and achieve the overall improvement of the development quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of the company.

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