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Zhenjiang Company Testing Center Successfully Received CNAS Laboratory Accreditation Certificate

來源: 時間:2016-02-16 【字號:
On February 16, 2016, secretariat of China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) noticed, China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP) Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co.,Ltd. testing center received CNAS laboratory accreditation certificate,and obtain laboratory national accreditation certificate at the same time(registation number:CNAS  L8337), was formally included CNAS authorized institutions. The obtain of CNAS laboratory accreditation certificate, marks Zhenjiang company testing center with international accreditation standards to carry out the detection of technical capacity, the results of the test can be recognized domestically and internationally, and can use the sign of "China national laboratory accreditation" within the approved business scope, it can improve the popularity of the testing center, enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise market. Testing center since March 2015 to apply for laboratory accreditation, according to CNAS testing and the standard requirements of calibration laboratory accreditation, seriously improve the quality inspection system, program audit, quality control, capability verification, instrument calibration, etc., make the software and hardware conditions and internal management level of the laboratory reach a new level. At present, there are 18 kinds of advanced testing equipment in the laboratory, including step type high and low temperature heat and humidity box, high temperature and high humidity test chamber, UV experiment box, bypass diode tester, PID tester, wet leakage tester, steady-state simulator, mechanical load tester, mechanical load tester, universal tensile machine experiment and other experimental devices and supporting materials testing equipments. It can be used in hot and humid, humidity freeze, heat cycle, uv pretreatment, mechanical load, outdoor exposure, EL, IV electrical performance, tensile test, wet and dry insulation, bypass diode thermal performance experiment, PID test, high accelerated aging, and other test items specified by IEC61215/IEC61730.
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