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Federation of Trade Unions Leaders of Jiangsu Province Visited Zhenjiang Company to Attend Research Forum

來源: 時間:2014-03-26 【字號:
On March 26,2014,Wang Zhaoxi ,vice chairman of Jiangsu province federation of trade union was accompanied by Wang Rongzheng,chairman of Jiangsu province federation of trade union, vice chairman Shi Qiuxiang, chairman of Zhenjiang new district general union Zhang Hongqing and others visited Zhenjiang company for investigation, Wang Peng, general manager of Zhenjiang company, chief executive officer Wu Shaomei received the investigation team. Research group has visited the company showroom, the home of staff and held a research forum in the community office of staff home. In the research forum, Mr. Wang introduced the construction situation of Zhenjiang company and the trade union, the leader of provincial federation of trade union affirmed Zhenjiang company 's trade union work, said Zhenjiang company 's trade union work can promote the development of enterprises and obtain their own development; through service staff, to gain recognition of staff; through the corporate culture,to get the team harmony, to prevent the trade union as an empty frame, someone just talking without making any useful things and other undesirable phenomena, it is the outstanding representatives about the support of company leadership, effective staff and achievement of trade unions work, and encouraged Zhenjiang union to keep trying for national honor!

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