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Zhenjiang Company Signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement with DuPont China

來源: 時間:2014-02-28 【字號:
On February 28, 2014, Zhejiang company reached a strategic partnership with DuPont China Group co., Ltd.Zhenjiang company general manager Wang Peng, vice president of technology Gou Xianfang, general manager assistant Yang Lei and DuPont Asia Pacific market development director Lu Yuedong, director of market expansion Shao Jia, strategic account manager Yang Qian and others attended the signing ceremony. After the signing ceremony, Zhenjiang company and DuPont company made a further discussion about photovoltaic cells and component materials development, supply, photovoltaic power station common problems in the areas of cooperation in the future. The signing of the strategic cooperation agreement, marketing the two sides will expand in-depth cooperation on photovoltaic technology, the reliability of power station and components and field application research of failure mode and other aspects, to promote the progress of photovoltaic industry.

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