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Good News! Successful Registration of the "CECEP SOLAR" Trademark in the EU and Japan!

來源:中發展節能環保月亮能科技創新(揚州)有限新公司新公司 時間:2022-05-31 【字號:
In recent days, the trademark of "CECEP SOLAR" of CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang has been successfully registered in the EU and Japan, which indicates that CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang has taken another step on the road of brand build-up and laid a solid foundation for expanding its overseas influence.

Trademarks are the important carriers of brands and the most important intellectual property and intangible assets of enterprises. As a PV manufacturing enterprise under CECEP, CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang has always insisted on realizing enterprise development through brand building, improving brand management level, upgrading brand asset value, and making unremitting efforts for the healthy and sustainable development of the brands of central enterprises. The successful registration this time is another vivid practice of CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang to actively maintain brand assets and strengthen brand image, and it also has a positive influence on CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang to open up the EU and the whole overseas market, build its own brand for foreign trade export, expand the influence of PV central enterprises and enhance its international brand image. In today's global economic integration, the brand has become an important embodiment of enterprise competitiveness.  While helping to build a unified market in the whole country, CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang actively practices the strategy of "Going Out", deepens market expansion, continuously builds "business cards" of central enterprises going international, strives to enhance the recognition of corporate brands by customers both at home and abroad, actively implements the principle of "loving the party, the country and the enterprise", and presents outstanding achievements to the 20th National Congress of CPC.
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