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Warmly Celebrate the Successful Holding of the Target Output Reaching Ceremony and Differentiated Module Release Conference of the M3 Workshop High-efficiency Module Project of CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang

來源:中節能技術日光能科學(鎮江市)有限制新公司 時間:2022-09-23 【字號:

Warmly celebratethe Successful Holding of the Target Output Reaching Ceremony and Differentiated Module Release Conference of the M3 Workshop High-efficiency Module Project of CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang

Pursuing Continuous Development and Moving Towards a Better Future On September 23, the Target Output Reaching Ceremony and Differentiated Module Release Conference of the M3 Workshop of the CECEP SOLAR Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang ) was successfully held. The guests gathered together to witness the glorious moment in the way of "offline + online live broadcast" and contribute to the energy-saving power to promote the high-quality development of the PV industry under the new situation. Cao Huabin, Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee and Vice General Manager of China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group, Chairman of the Board of CECEP SOLAR Energy Co., Ltd., Lu Yuezhong, Vice Chairman of Zhenjiang CPPCC and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhenjiang New Area, Zhang Huixue, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of CECEP SOLAR Energy Co., Ltd., Li Jingnan, Secretary of the Party General Branch and Chairman of the Board of CECEP SOLAR Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd., and relevant leaders attended the event. Successfully Reached Target Output with Joint Efforts Everything Comes to Fruition in Autumn. This event is a key initiative and important milestone for CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang to start a new journey of "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" strategy, continuously improve the intelligent manufacturing capability of PV products, deepen enterprise scientific and technological innovation, and promote brand upgrading. Thanks to the strong support and assistance from leaders at all levels and partners from all sectors, the project can be completed and put into operation and reach the target output quickly.

At the ceremony, Zhang Huixue, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of CECEP SOLAR Energy Co., Ltd., delivered a welcome speech, expressing a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to leaders and guests at all levels for their coming and long-term support and assistance to the Company. In his speech, he emphasized that the target output reaching of new projects and the release of new products of CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang will further help the Company become a central enterprise star of the manufacturing industry in the future solar energy industry, and will surely make a solid contribution to further consolidating the foundation of development and promoting the coordination of the whole PV industrial chain in an all-round way for CECEP SOLAR. CECEP SOLAR will take this as a new starting point, take advantage of industrial economic development and energy reform, take the initiative to grasp the opportunity to build a new highland in the PV industry and make greater contributions to the construction of local ecological civilization and high-quality economic and social development.

Shi Dagui, Vice President of Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd., a representative of the partners, wished the event a complete success and said that they would like to further expand the cooperation based on the advantages of both sides, continuously create a new situation of mutual benefit and win-win results, and strive to cultivate a new green and low-carbon dynamic energy supporting high-quality development.

Lu Yuezhong, Vice Chairman of Zhenjiang CPPCC and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhenjiang New Area, hoped that the government and enterprises would take the target output reaching as a new starting point, further broaden the cooperation field, enhance the cooperation level, drive more projects into the new area, and jointly build a landmark for the new energy industry. He also stressed that Zhenjiang New Area will continue to support the construction, operation and development of CECEP, take service efficiency and improvement as the core competitiveness, keep the promise, take the initiative to serve, exert the function of enterprise grid, provide more high-quality and efficient service for the subsequent operation and development of the enterprise, and make the high-quality development of the whole area more ecological and productive.

With everyone's expectation, under the countdown of the host, the guests pressed the starter together, marking the successful target output reaching of the M3 Workshop high-efficiency module project of  CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang. New Product Release with Many Highlights Following the successful ceremony of the M3 workshop target output reaching, the event entered into the release of differentiated modules. The rapid development of the global PV industry scale and market application and the continuous advancement of the "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" target will bring more opportunities and challenges to the implementation and application of the PV industry.

At the conference, CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang invited Cao Yu, Chief Editor of Solarbe and Chief Analyst of Beijing Solarbe Consulting Co., Ltd., and Wang Quan, Deputy General Manager of CHINT New Energy Strategic Development Center, to conduct theme-sharing reports on the current situation and trends of the global PV industry development in 2022, global distributed market overview and equipment selection respectively from different perspectives and dimensions, and to jointly communicate and discuss the road of efficient development of the PV industry. In the context of new development stages and new technologies, CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang has launched a differentiated module research implementation model by deepening scientific and technological innovation and market expansion, meeting customer needs, matching different application scenarios in all aspects, and grasping new industry trends.

At the event, Gao Ronggang, Deputy General Manager of CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang, made a detailed introduction to the new products. In the presence of the guests, the new generation modules of lightweight flexible module "Feiyan" and all-black module "Qingtian" of CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang were officially unveiled.

With the launch of the new differentiated modules, CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang will surely focus on product quality improvement, and actively explore new paths and situations of industrial synergy, so as to help the high-quality development of clean energy. Pursuing Continuous Development and Moving Towards a Better Future

At the end of the event, Huang Guoping, General Manager of CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang, gave a concluding speech, expressing his sincere thanks and heartfelt wishes to the government leaders at all levels, partners and communities for supporting and helping the development of the Company. At the same time, he pointed out that the target output reaching of the project once again reflects the results of the central enterprise reform empowerment, and shared the vivid practice of CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang to take the initiative to seek changes, lead green development with the construction of the Party, and deepen the transformation and upgrading road of PV intelligent manufacturing. He also emphasized that the Company will always keep the original intention and mission, firmly grasp the green low-carbon transformation, continue to deepen green development, innovation and efficiency, build a community of shared future for win-win cooperation and create an even better future. After the ceremony, the guests visited the exhibition hall of "Party Building Leading, Digital Interconnection" and the M3 high-efficiency module workshop of CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang.

Building on our Strengths and Writing New Chapters CECEP SOLAR Zhenjiang will conscientiously implement the requirements of ecological civilization construction and the national "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" strategic objectives, actively practice the concept of green development, deeply implement the strategic plan of the CECEP SOLAR, adhere to the "Spirit of the CECEP SOLAR" to promote the development of the scale, characteristics, branding and industrialization, contribute more to the construction of a low-carbon industrial system and help the country realize energy transformation, and celebrate the successful holding of the 20th National Congress of the CPC with practical actions and fruitful results.
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