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Reform Promoting Transformation & Digital Intelligence Empowering the Future – Efficient Modules of M3 Workshop of CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. Reached Target Output & Differentiated Modules New Product Release Conference Conducted Successfully

來源:中能效地球能社會(揚州)有限責任廠家 時間:2022-09-24 【字號:
On September 23, the Target Output Reaching Ceremony and Differentiated Modules Release Conference of the M3 Workshop of Zhenjiang Company, a subsidiary of the CECEP Solar Energy Co., Ltd., was successfully held in Zhenjiang New Area in the form of "offline + online live broadcast". Cao Huabin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Group Company, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of CECEP Solar, attended the meeting, and Zhang Huixue, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of CECEP Solar, delivered an opening speech. Lu Yuezhong, Vice Chairman of Zhenjiang CPPCC and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhenjiang New Area, as well as experts and representatives of enterprise leaders from Solarbe, CHINT New Energy Strategic Development Center, Sungrow New Energy Development Co., Ltd. and other units attended the event to witness the glorious moment together.

Cao Huabin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Group Company, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of CECEP Solar, witnessed the ceremony, and the guests jointly pressed the starter.

Zhang Huixue, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of CECEP Solar, delivered a welcome speech, expressing a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to leaders and guests at all levels for their coming and long-term support and assistance to the Company. In his speech, he stressed that CECEP Solar will further integrate and serve to build a new development pattern, take advantage of China's industrial economic development and energy reform, and work with partners in the industry give full play to their respective advantages, actively seize opportunities, and make new contributions to the development of China's and even the world's PV industry. Lu Yuezhong, Vice Chairman of Zhenjiang CPPCC and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhenjiang New Area, stressed that the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of Zhenjiang New Area attach great importance to the development of CECEP. All departments of Zhenjiang New Area and the local sectors should always be well connected and coordinated, adhere to the thinking of industrial chain to speed up industrial development, vigorously support the operation of CECEP projects, and strongly empower the development of the Company.

Efficient Module Project of M3 Workshop Reached Target Output

Proactive pursuit of change – Innovation-oriented high-quality PV intelligent manufacturing enterprise

In 2010, CECEP Solar strategically entered the upstream PV manufacturing industry. On August 26, 2010, CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. was registered and established. Over the past 12 years, the CECEP Zhenjiang Company has always been innovation-oriented, deeply engaged in fine management of enterprises, developed upward and actively sought changes. The M3 Workshop reached target output marking the further enhancement of the annual PV module production capacity and product lineup of CECEP Zhenjiang Company. It will greatly improve its module production efficiency, promote scale and brand development, and also sound the clarion call for enterprises to continuously deepen the innovation and development of the intelligent PV industry.

Differentiated Modules Release

Accurate user demand profile - Brand-independent & high-quality PV intelligent manufacturing products

At the ceremony, the CECEP Zhenjiang Company officially released the lighter, thinner and more elegant new generation modules of lightweight flexible module "Feiyan" and all-black module "Qingtian" that meet the needs of customers and match different application scenarios in an all-round way.

3D Display of New Differentiated Module Products of CECEP Zhenjiang Company

Lightweight Flexible Module·Feiyan

All-black Module·Qingtian

The reaching of the target output of the efficient module project and the launch of differentiated innovative module products of the M3 Workshop of CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. are a vivid practical path of high-quality Party building leading development, which has drawn a new blueprint of promoting transformation with reform and empowering the future with digital intelligence. In the course, CECEP Solar focuses on the national strategic objectives, accurately understanding changes, scientifically adapting and actively seeking changes, resolutely carrying the responsibility for ecological civilization construction and ecological environmental protection, organically integrating Party leadership into company governance, further improving incentives and constraints and market-oriented mechanisms, and perfecting layout optimization and structural adjustment steadily.

The target output reaching of new projects and the release of new products of CECEP Zhenjiang Company will further help it to become a star in the manufacturing industry of central enterprises in the solar energy industry in the future, and will surely make a solid contribution to further consolidating the foundation of development and promoting the upgrading of the industrial chain of CECEP Solar. CECEP Solar will always aim to improve the quality of assets and the efficiency of capital use, promote the steady growth of PV power stations and PV manufacturing businesses through the digital information construction of new technologies and high efficiency, gradually realize the steady improvement of asset quality and capital efficiency, and build the Company into a listed company with excellent main business, reasonable structure, high-quality assets, excellent management and multi-business development, presenting the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements.

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